Between November 2nd and Dec 16, 2008, the final steps required to complete and fill the Tui Slough extension of the Lewis Center Refuge for Mohave tui chub were completed. For the details visit this link to view the "picture progress" of our efforts. But it took a snow storm on December 17th to provide the water.
(East Shore of Tui Slough looking North)
As soon as classes resume in January 2009, one year since the original site excavation that started this project, two aerators will be placed in the "Slough" and we will begin the process of landscaping the sides.
(Aerator in Deppe Pond) (From Deppe Pond looking North )
We assume the "Slough" will be able to support chub by the early summer or fall of 2009. Stay tuned!
(From Tui Slough Dam looking south)