Monday, August 25, 2008

FYI... Something that Just Crossed My Desk

Below is a link to a .pdf file for an article called " A Fighting Chance: Saving the Mohave tui chub", published on the front page of Issue 12 / Spring 2008, Mojave National Preserve's Park News & Guide. Enjoy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

MTC Need Water, But Not That Much!

Every once in a while when searching the net for resources, I stumble on something good. The following illustration was discovered on a San Bernardino County Flood Control online document site. It is to a graph that plots the history of flooding on the Mojave River since 1862 to the present. Enjoy! Hope this document might shed some light on just how "stochastic" the Mojave River's flow can be! To add some balance, here is a link to the USGS, Lower Narrows stream gauge. The data at this site is updated every six hours(?), and can be mined as back to when the gauge was established (for detailed information regarding the period(s) of record). The great flood of 1938 destroyed the guage at the Upper Narrows of the Mojave River (its location can be seen on the 1929 aerial photo at this link, notice the faint penciled in arrow and label written on the orginal photo). Hope these data links offers a little insight into what conditions the MTC had to deal with before and/or besides the introduction of exotic species.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Setting Up a Mohave tui chub (MTC) Display Aquarium

One Monday in early February, a visited was paid to Bob Hilburn at the Desert Discovery Center in Barstow. The purpose of the visit was to see the three tanks that he set up at the center through a research grant with Debra Hughson (NPS). For more information about the goals of this project visit one of these two links: link one or link two. The goal of this visit was to make a create a materials list in an attempt to replicate the setup at the Discovery Center at the Lewis Center in Apple Valley.

Later on that evening, while driving back from Barstow, another visit was paid to the Victorville PetSmart in an attempt to acquire a donation of supplies or funding to help set up the Lewis Center MTC display aquarium. I was given the name and number of Joanne Sherry
in Arizona that oversees corporate donations. A week letter after our phone conversation the Lewis Center's display aquarium project was given $400 dollars in gift cards to help begin the project. The items in the following slide-show were purchased with PetSmart's donation online with the exception of the aquarium stand.

The MTC aquarium display will be set up in the back of the Technology Building on the Lewis Center's Mojave River Campus once the permitting process allowing the school to be in possession of an endangered species is completed. The process was begun early in February, 2008. One April 2nd, 2008, the aquarium display was installed. It has been filled with well water from the same well that will be used to replenish Deppe Pond, a soon to be operational refugium for the MTC. A web cam, installed in early August, 2008, allows you to view the MTC in the display online. Double click on the image of the aquarium at right to view in "real time the display. We hope to have MTC in the display by mid-October 2008.

To be continued...